The exercise of power in Medieval Spain

Rex excelsus qui scientiam diliget: la dimensión sapiencial de la Realeza alfonsí

History Of Political Thought (Political Science) / Wisdom / PHRONESIS / Medieval Literacy / Medieval Europe / Kingship (Medieval History) / Wisdom Traditions / Medieval Political Thought / Wisdom Literature / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Medieval Spain / Alfonso X el Sabio / Patronage of Arts and Education / Sapiential Theology / Medieval Castile / Sapiential Kingship / Medieval Political Theology / Literature and Culture In Medieval Spain / Kingship (Medieval History) / Wisdom Traditions / Medieval Political Thought / Wisdom Literature / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Medieval Spain / Alfonso X el Sabio / Patronage of Arts and Education / Sapiential Theology / Medieval Castile / Sapiential Kingship / Medieval Political Theology / Literature and Culture In Medieval Spain

Reyes, reinas e infantas en la Galicia medieval. Presencia, actuaciones y representaciones del poder regio en el Noroeste peninsular

Late Middle Ages / Medieval History / Galician Studies / Medieval Studies / Queenship (Medieval History) / Early Middle Ages (History) / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Middle Ages / Medieval Galicia / Galicia / Medieval Monarchy / Medieval Queenship / Galicia and Portugal Medieval History / Castilian Kingship / Infantazgo / Early Middle Ages (History) / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Queenship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Middle Ages / Medieval Galicia / Galicia / Medieval Monarchy / Medieval Queenship / Galicia and Portugal Medieval History / Castilian Kingship / Infantazgo

Controlando el regimiento. La nobleza de Talavera de la Reina y sus métodos de intervención política en el concejo en la Baja Edad Media

Medieval History / Medieval urban history / Medieval Nobility / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Power and jurisdiction in Medieval history

Enrique IV de Castilla en la poesía de cancionero: algún afán ignorado entre las mil congoxas conocidas

Medieval Iberian Literature / Medieval Iberian History / Medieval Spanish Literature / Monarchy / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / Medieval Spain / Cancionero poetry / Cancionero General / Poesía cancioneril / Enrique IV Rey De Castilla Y León / Medieval Spain / Cancionero poetry / Cancionero General / Poesía cancioneril / Enrique IV Rey De Castilla Y León

PRIETO SAYAGUÉS, Juan A., \"El acercamiento de la monarquía castellana a la Orden de los Predicadores durante el reinado de Juan II de Castilla (1406-1454)\", En la España Medieval , vol. 39 (2016), pp. 197-224

Kingship (Medieval History) / Religious congregations and monastic orders / Mendicant Orders / The exercise of power in Medieval Spain / History of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) / Dinastía Trastámara
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